Thursday, June 30, 2005

India's per capita income: Rs 12,416

India's per capita income rose by 5.2 per cent to Rs 12,416 (about $285) during 2004-05.

According to the Central Statistical Organisation estimates, the per capita income during 2003-04 (Quick Estimates) stood at Rs 11,799.

'The per capita income in real terms (at 1993-94 prices) during 2004-05 is estimated to attain a level of Rs 12,416 as compared to quick estimates for 2003-04 at Rs 11,799,' the CSO release said, adding that the per capita income growth rate during the 2003-04 was 7.1 per cent.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Indian Economy

In the long run, India will overtake China in economic growth owing to home-grown entrepreneurship, stronger infrastructure to support private enterprise and companies which compete internationally with global firms, a media report has claimed.

"The real issue is not where China and India are today but where they will be tomorrow. The answer will be determined in large measure by how well both countries utilize their resources, and on this score, India is doing a superior job," the duo said in the report published in 'FP', a magazine published by the Carnegie Endowment.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Indian Cyber Law does not deal with Blogging.

Blogging is the latest craze on the internet and bloggers are known to express themselves to the world at large without fear of being identified. Blogging is about a netizen’s right of expression on all kinds of subjects - the mundane to highly-specialised subjects. However, this freedom is beginning to be taken for granted and today it’s used for legitimate as well as criminal purposes too.

Here’s an example of an unwarranted purpose for blogging: Blog in the name of a known identity. People are likely to confuse messages posted on the blog as the online identity of the well-known and this can have telling effects. However, when one examines the law in this regard, one realises that the law has not developed in this area. There are therefore very few effective remedies, especially because blogging sites are located outside the country and are out of reach.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

IBM may hire over 14,000 in India

The US-based IBM, the world's largest IT company, plans to increase its payroll in India this year by more than 14,000 workers, even as it cuts 13,000 jobs in Europe and the United States, The New York Times reported on Friday, quoting an internal company document.

Marcus Courtney, president of the Washington Alliance of Technology Workers or WashTech, told the daily: "IBM is really pushing this offshore outsourcing to relentlessly cut costs and to export skilled jobs abroad."

"The winners are the richest corporations in the world, and American workers lose."

Friday, June 24, 2005

Yahoo closes chat rooms after misuse


Reacting to angry protests from several of its top sponsors, Yahoo Inc has pulled the plug on perhaps hundreds of chat roomsoperating on its site after a media report revealed that some of the rooms were used to promote sex with minors.

Companies such as PepsiCo Inc, State Farm Insurance and Georgia-Pacific Corp stopped advertising onYahoo after they were informed that adults were attempting to lure children into sexual encounters within some of Yahoo's user-created chat rooms, according to a report by KPRC-TV in Houston.

KPRC reported that in some cases, men were using Web cameras to send lewd pictures to minors in chat rooms with such titles as "Younger Girls 4 Older Guys" and "Girls 13 And Under for Older Guys."

Yahoo spokeswoman Mary Osako, who declined to say when the service will return or why all the user-created sites were closed, said the Internet portal shuttered the service for improvements and to ensure "compliance with our terms of service."

Creativity & Leadership

"Everyone has creative potential, but creative people think they are creative."

Self-esteem is one of the most important elements of creativity. People must believe in their ability to develop original ideas and they must continue to believe in themselves after repeated failures.

Creativity flourishes in an environment that rewards attempts, as well as successes, and is conducive to failure. People must feel comfortable failing before they will repeatedly take risks or attempt creative approaches.

Four stages of the creative process:

1. Explorer. Finding new ideas and resources from which an idea may be built.

2. Artist. Transforming ideas (gathered by the explorer) into something new.

3. Judge. Ideas developed by the artist are evaluated and their merits are weighed; suggestions are offered on how they can be improved or further developed.

4. Warrior. Implementation of the ideas approved by the judge requiring persistence and determination.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Ways to develop creative mind

Creativity is the process of generating new ideas, or finding new solutions to challenges. With a high level of creativity there are no problems, all problems are challenges, and challenges lead to opportunities. Opportunities are the pathway to success. Creativity is the generation of ideas that result in the improved efficiency or effectiveness of a system. There are two important aspects of creativity: process and people. Creativity will put you on the path to success.

Ways to develop creative mind

1. Travel to new places.
2. Read from a variety of fields.
3. Become curious about everything.
4. Attend professional meetings and seminars.
5. Join professional groups and associations.
6. Talk to anyone and everyone about your subject.
7. Develop a subject library for future reference.
8. Carry a small notebook and record useful information.
9. Scan magazines, newspapers and journals for articles related to your subject.
10.Evaluate ideas. Record what aspects of ideas are good and what aspects appear irrelevant or are not feasible because of constraints.

Monday, June 20, 2005


Today India is taking one step more in PROMOTING COMPUTER EDUCATION by releasing a complete set of
FREE HINDI SOFTWARE TOOLS AND FONTS motive is to bring about a language computing technology revolution in INDIA. You click here to download


Today India is taking one step more in PROMOTING COMPUTER EDUCATION by releasing a complete set of
FREE HINDI SOFTWARE TOOLS AND FONTS motive is to bring about a language computing technology revolution in INDIA. You click here to download


Today India is taking one step more in PROMOTING COMPUTER EDUCATION by releasing a complete set of
FREE HINDI SOFTWARE TOOLS AND FONTS motive is to bring about a language computing technology revolution in INDIA. You click here to download

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Using Creativity

Now the 10 $ Question comes how to use Creativity , Creativity is unfruitful if action does not follow from it. Ideas must be evaluated, improved, polished and marketed before they have any value. Other sections of Mind Tools lay out the evaluation, analysis and planning tools needed to do this. They also explain the time and stress management techniques you will need when your creative ideas take off.

Have fun creating! New Ideas !

The Creative Frame of Mind

Often the only difference between creative and uncreative people is self-perception.Creative people see themselves as creative and give themselves the freedom to create. Uncreative people do not think about creativity and do not give themselves the opportunity to create anything new.

Being creative may just be a matter of setting aside the time needed to take a step back and allow yourself to ask yourself if there is a better way of doing something.

Using Creativity

Now the 10 $ Question comes how to use Creativity , Creativity is unfruitful if action does not follow from it. Ideas must be evaluated, improved, polished and marketed before they have any value. Other sections of Mind Tools lay out the evaluation, analysis and planning tools needed to do this. They also explain the time and stress management techniques you will need when your creative ideas take off.

Have fun creating! New Ideas !

The Creative Frame of Mind

Often the only difference between creative and uncreative people is self-perception.Creative people see themselves as creative and give themselves the freedom to create. Uncreative people do not think about creativity and do not give themselves the opportunity to create anything new.

Being creative may just be a matter of setting aside the time needed to take a step back and allow yourself to ask yourself if there is a better way of doing something.

Using Creativity

Now the 10 $ Question comes how to use Creativity , Creativity is unfruitful if action does not follow from it. Ideas must be evaluated, improved, polished and marketed before they have any value. Other sections of Mind Tools lay out the evaluation, analysis and planning tools needed to do this. They also explain the time and stress management techniques you will need when your creative ideas take off.

Have fun creating! New Ideas !

The Creative Frame of Mind

Often the only difference between creative and uncreative people is self-perception.Creative people see themselves as creative and give themselves the freedom to create. Uncreative people do not think about creativity and do not give themselves the opportunity to create anything new.

Being creative may just be a matter of setting aside the time needed to take a step back and allow yourself to ask yourself if there is a better way of doing something.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Open Source will stop Microsoft One day that is not far away

Major vendor backing has led Linux to emerge as arguably the one operating system that can stop Microsoft Windows dominating the server operating system market.

The Penguin is now beginning to make inroads into Microsoft's home territory on the desktop and handheld devices, incorporating other open source application software and middleware.

In the mid-range to high-end server market, Linux on Intel is replacing proprietary Unix flavours and, increasingly, Windows. It has also found its way into mainframes and become a favourite supercomputer operating system.

Open Source will stop Microsoft One day that is not far away

Major vendor backing has led Linux to emerge as arguably the one operating system that can stop Microsoft Windows dominating the server operating system market.

The Penguin is now beginning to make inroads into Microsoft's home territory on the desktop and handheld devices, incorporating other open source application software and middleware.

In the mid-range to high-end server market, Linux on Intel is replacing proprietary Unix flavours and, increasingly, Windows. It has also found its way into mainframes and become a favourite supercomputer operating system.

Open Source will stop Microsoft One day that is not far away

Major vendor backing has led Linux to emerge as arguably the one operating system that can stop Microsoft Windows dominating the server operating system market.

The Penguin is now beginning to make inroads into Microsoft's home territory on the desktop and handheld devices, incorporating other open source application software and middleware.

In the mid-range to high-end server market, Linux on Intel is replacing proprietary Unix flavours and, increasingly, Windows. It has also found its way into mainframes and become a favourite supercomputer operating system.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Red Hat Releases Fedora Core 4

Red Hat has just announced the new version of Fedora Core, a week after the company said it was creating the Fedora Foundation to run the project.

Fedora Core 4 (FC4) promises the latest and greatest of the free and open source world, including GNOME 2.10 and KDE 3.4.

In addition to a prerelease version of 2.0, the full release of which is still months off, FC4 includes the latest Linux kernel (2.6.11), Firefox (1.0.4), Samba (3.0.14a) and Apache (2.0.54).

Red Hat's developers also introduced a new default desktop theme called Clearlooks, which evolved from the Bluecurve theme, which has been the default since Red Hat Linux version 8.0.

Of particular note with FC4 is that it has expanded beyond its traditional architecture support of x86 and x86-64 to include support for PowerPC.

Red Hat Releases Fedora Core 4

Red Hat has just announced the new version of Fedora Core, a week after the company said it was creating the Fedora Foundation to run the project.

Fedora Core 4 (FC4) promises the latest and greatest of the free and open source world, including GNOME 2.10 and KDE 3.4.

In addition to a prerelease version of 2.0, the full release of which is still months off, FC4 includes the latest Linux kernel (2.6.11), Firefox (1.0.4), Samba (3.0.14a) and Apache (2.0.54).

Red Hat's developers also introduced a new default desktop theme called Clearlooks, which evolved from the Bluecurve theme, which has been the default since Red Hat Linux version 8.0.

Of particular note with FC4 is that it has expanded beyond its traditional architecture support of x86 and x86-64 to include support for PowerPC.

Red Hat Releases Fedora Core 4

Red Hat has just announced the new version of Fedora Core, a week after the company said it was creating the Fedora Foundation to run the project.

Fedora Core 4 (FC4) promises the latest and greatest of the free and open source world, including GNOME 2.10 and KDE 3.4.

In addition to a prerelease version of 2.0, the full release of which is still months off, FC4 includes the latest Linux kernel (2.6.11), Firefox (1.0.4), Samba (3.0.14a) and Apache (2.0.54).

Red Hat's developers also introduced a new default desktop theme called Clearlooks, which evolved from the Bluecurve theme, which has been the default since Red Hat Linux version 8.0.

Of particular note with FC4 is that it has expanded beyond its traditional architecture support of x86 and x86-64 to include support for PowerPC.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Open source in India

The Indian government is trying to encourage the use of computers across the country by distributing free CDs that contain localized versions of popular open-source applications.

The government has started distributing CDs containing Tamil-language versions of various open-source applications, including the Firefox browser, the productivity suite and the Columba e-mail client. It plans to freely distribute 3.5 million copies of the CD to Tamil speakers worldwide, according to R.K.V.S. Raman, a researcher at the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, a Bangalore-based organization involved in the production of the CD.

Open-Source software has two main advantages for the Indian population--
* It is relatively inexpensive and
* It can be modified fairly easily.

SugarCRM to launch an on-demand product

SugarCRM is about to launch an on-demand product for managing customer relations that it says will set businesses back just a fraction of the cost of other products on the market.

SugarCRM has a business model similar to that of Red Hat. It offers a free open-source version of its customer relationship management (CRM) application, Sugar Sales, on and sells licences for its enterprise version, Sugar Sales Professional, which includes additional features and services.

The on-demand product will bring CRM to companies that could not use it before because of restricted IT and financial resources.

"CRM is a $6 (billion) industry.

Open source in India

The Indian government is trying to encourage the use of computers across the country by distributing free CDs that contain localized versions of popular open-source applications.

The government has started distributing CDs containing Tamil-language versions of various open-source applications, including the Firefox browser, the productivity suite and the Columba e-mail client. It plans to freely distribute 3.5 million copies of the CD to Tamil speakers worldwide, according to R.K.V.S. Raman, a researcher at the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, a Bangalore-based organization involved in the production of the CD.

Open-Source software has two main advantages for the Indian population--
* It is relatively inexpensive and
* It can be modified fairly easily.

SugarCRM to launch an on-demand product

SugarCRM is about to launch an on-demand product for managing customer relations that it says will set businesses back just a fraction of the cost of other products on the market.

SugarCRM has a business model similar to that of Red Hat. It offers a free open-source version of its customer relationship management (CRM) application, Sugar Sales, on and sells licences for its enterprise version, Sugar Sales Professional, which includes additional features and services.

The on-demand product will bring CRM to companies that could not use it before because of restricted IT and financial resources.

"CRM is a $6 (billion) industry.

Open source in India

The Indian government is trying to encourage the use of computers across the country by distributing free CDs that contain localized versions of popular open-source applications.

The government has started distributing CDs containing Tamil-language versions of various open-source applications, including the Firefox browser, the productivity suite and the Columba e-mail client. It plans to freely distribute 3.5 million copies of the CD to Tamil speakers worldwide, according to R.K.V.S. Raman, a researcher at the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, a Bangalore-based organization involved in the production of the CD.

Open-Source software has two main advantages for the Indian population--
* It is relatively inexpensive and
* It can be modified fairly easily.

SugarCRM to launch an on-demand product

SugarCRM is about to launch an on-demand product for managing customer relations that it says will set businesses back just a fraction of the cost of other products on the market.

SugarCRM has a business model similar to that of Red Hat. It offers a free open-source version of its customer relationship management (CRM) application, Sugar Sales, on and sells licences for its enterprise version, Sugar Sales Professional, which includes additional features and services.

The on-demand product will bring CRM to companies that could not use it before because of restricted IT and financial resources.

"CRM is a $6 (billion) industry.

Friday, June 10, 2005

A content management system(CMS)

A content management system (CMS) is a system used to organize and facilitate collaborative content creation.

CMSs allow end-users ,to provide new content in the form of articles. The articles are typically entered as plain text, perhaps with markup to indicate where other resources such as pictures should be placed.

Types of CMS

Web CMS (WCMS) assists an organization in automating various aspects of web content creation, content management and delivery. Delivery to the web is its primary format, but many WCM systems also deliver to wireless devices.

Transactional CMS or Transactional CMS (TCMS) assists an organization to manage e-commerce transactions.

Integrated DMS (IDMS) assists an organization in managing enterprise documents and content.

Publication CMS (PCMS) assists an organization in managing the publications (manuals, books, help) content life cycle.

Learning CMS (LCMS) or Managed Learning Environment (MLE) assists an organization in managing the web-based learning content life cycle.

Enterprise CMS (ECMS) vary in their functionality. Some support both the web and publications content life cycle, while others support the web content life cycle and either transactional content or customer relationship management content.

A content management system(CMS)

A content management system (CMS) is a system used to organize and facilitate collaborative content creation.

CMSs allow end-users ,to provide new content in the form of articles. The articles are typically entered as plain text, perhaps with markup to indicate where other resources such as pictures should be placed.

Types of CMS

Web CMS (WCMS) assists an organization in automating various aspects of web content creation, content management and delivery. Delivery to the web is its primary format, but many WCM systems also deliver to wireless devices.

Transactional CMS or Transactional CMS (TCMS) assists an organization to manage e-commerce transactions.

Integrated DMS (IDMS) assists an organization in managing enterprise documents and content.

Publication CMS (PCMS) assists an organization in managing the publications (manuals, books, help) content life cycle.

Learning CMS (LCMS)
or Managed Learning Environment (MLE) assists an organization in managing the web-based learning content life cycle.

Enterprise CMS (ECMS) vary in their functionality. Some support both the web and publications content life cycle, while others support the web content life cycle and either transactional content or customer relationship management content.

A content management system(CMS)

A content management system (CMS) is a system used to organize and facilitate collaborative content creation.

CMSs allow end-users ,to provide new content in the form of articles. The articles are typically entered as plain text, perhaps with markup to indicate where other resources such as pictures should be placed.

Types of CMS

Web CMS (WCMS) assists an organization in automating various aspects of web content creation, content management and delivery. Delivery to the web is its primary format, but many WCM systems also deliver to wireless devices.

Transactional CMS or Transactional CMS (TCMS) assists an organization to manage e-commerce transactions.

Integrated DMS (IDMS) assists an organization in managing enterprise documents and content.

Publication CMS (PCMS) assists an organization in managing the publications (manuals, books, help) content life cycle.

Learning CMS (LCMS)
or Managed Learning Environment (MLE) assists an organization in managing the web-based learning content life cycle.

Enterprise CMS (ECMS) vary in their functionality. Some support both the web and publications content life cycle, while others support the web content life cycle and either transactional content or customer relationship management content.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

eLMS is Changing the way Students are getting educated nowadays

ELearning or Learning Management systems (LMS) is changing the way students are getting educated nowadays. Emergence of Internet has facilitated growth of Learning Management Systems. Elearning courses have used the concept of distance learning but at a faster rate. Traditional distance learning was conducted by mailing the course contents and then student is left alone to study till the test.

E-Learning is gaining popularity because of its obvious advantages.

1. Minimizes travel,
2. Open for working people,
3. No time constraint,
4. Little infrastructure needed

This new paradigm has become a critical component in the mission of academic institutions, which includes imparting the best education to their students, extending the learning process beyond the classroom, improving measurable student success, attracting talented students to the institute and improving its overall image.

Elearning solutions provide, following tools to the educational institutions

1. Chatting (audio/video),
2. Presentations,
3. Conferences and
4. Discussion forum just to name a few.

Learning Management System (eLMS) In Apptility

In Apptility , Learning Systems are built towards,

  • Flexibility: To design learning paths

  • Customization: To facilitate need-based, just-in-time faster learning.

  • Standardization: To be consistent across different Users & Locations.

  • Extended Training: To reuse, upgrade & extend content & accommodate modifications.

  • Reduced Costs: Time is money. To save overheads in terms of manpower & travel.

eLMS is Changing the way Students are getting educated nowadays

ELearning or Learning Management systems (LMS) is changing the way students are getting educated nowadays. Emergence of Internet has facilitated growth of Learning Management Systems. Elearning courses have used the concept of distance learning but at a faster rate. Traditional distance learning was conducted by mailing the course contents and then student is left alone to study till the test.

E-Learning is gaining popularity because of its obvious advantages.

1. Minimizes travel,
2. Open for working people,
3. No time constraint,
4. Little infrastructure needed

This new paradigm has become a critical component in the mission of academic institutions, which includes imparting the best education to their students, extending the learning process beyond the classroom, improving measurable student success, attracting talented students to the institute and improving its overall image.

Elearning solutions provide, following tools to the educational institutions

1. Chatting (audio/video),
2. Presentations,
3. Conferences and
4. Discussion forum just to name a few.

eLMS is Changing the way Students are getting educated nowadays

ELearning or Learning Management systems (LMS) is changing the way students are getting educated nowadays. Emergence of Internet has facilitated growth of Learning Management Systems. Elearning courses have used the concept of distance learning but at a faster rate. Traditional distance learning was conducted by mailing the course contents and then student is left alone to study till the test.

E-Learning is gaining popularity because of its obvious advantages.

1. Minimizes travel,
2. Open for working people,
3. No time constraint,
4. Little infrastructure needed

This new paradigm has become a critical component in the mission of academic institutions, which includes imparting the best education to their students, extending the learning process beyond the classroom, improving measurable student success, attracting talented students to the institute and improving its overall image.

Elearning solutions provide, following tools to the educational institutions

1. Chatting (audio/video),
2. Presentations,
3. Conferences and
4. Discussion forum just to name a few.

Learning Management System (eLMS) In Apptility

In Apptility , Learning Systems are built towards,
  • Flexibility: To design learning paths
  • Customization: To facilitate need-based, just-in-time faster learning.
  • Standardization: To be consistent across different Users & Locations.
  • Extended Training: To reuse, upgrade & extend content & accommodate modifications.
  • Reduced Costs: Time is money. To save overheads in terms of manpower & travel.

Learning Management System (eLMS) In Apptility

In Apptility , Learning Systems are built towards,
  • Flexibility: To design learning paths
  • Customization: To facilitate need-based, just-in-time faster learning.
  • Standardization: To be consistent across different Users & Locations.
  • Extended Training: To reuse, upgrade & extend content & accommodate modifications.
  • Reduced Costs: Time is money. To save overheads in terms of manpower & travel.